
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Nathan E. Wheeler

Nathan is: an entrepreneur, business owner and artist. He currently owns NEW SCHOOL for FILM ACTING, is Director Grand Prix Sports & Entertainment and he is one of the producers for the HOLLYWOOD MUSIC AWARDS.

Location:135 N La Brea Avenue

Los Angeles, CA



Nathan E. Wheeler - Chief Production Officer / Partner

Grand Prix Sports & Entertainment

Grand Prix Sports & Entertainment was created by William (Bill) Tatham Jr. (Utah Jazz & Arizona Outlaws - Owner) - 5 years ago Bill purchased the exclusive sanction rights to international Rugby here in the USA. In October 2009, it was announced that Rugby would be the newest sport in the 2016 Olympic Games.

N.E.W. School for Film Acting 
was created in 2007.

Nathan created the school because he felt there was a very large lack of "film technique" know by actors in the industry as a whole.

**(Nathan passes on "family secrets" from the Oscar Winners who taught him both behind the camera and in front. These "Secrets" are what they individually accredit their success to.)


Nathan E. Wheeler - Sits on the board for Max Millions Talent Agency. They manage artist of all kinds, for both preforming and non-preforming art forms.


CHARITY- Nathan sits on the board for "" a non-profit that provides prosthetic/wheel chairs or other devices and rehabilitation for soldiers, children or wounded athletes. The rehabilitation process is physical, mental and spiritual.

CHARITY- Nathan supports "Adopt-A-Letter Foundation" headed by his good friend her Baroness Kimberly Moore. They gather letters sent to Santa Claus and provide that family, child or home with the gift they asked Santa for.

CHARITY - Nathan supports "Keeping Harmony Alive" a non-profit headed by his good friend her Baroness Kimberly Moore. Musical instruments are donated to the charity which are then given to public schools in California who can no longer afford to keep their music programs open. Shutting down these programs is travesty and this charity is doing more than we can understand.

To do your part and get involved email Nathan here, all these causes are saving lives, saving families and make the world a better place to live!!

Favorite Quotations: We must be the change we want to see in the world - Ghandi


  1. What a genius as well as a wonderful person!! Nate is snowballing toward an amazingly successful career and with all the work he puts into it....he is sure to accomplish great things in the very near future!! Keep an eye out for this one folks!!

  2. Without a doubt the biggest BOSS west of the Rockies...he's a true OG in every sense.

  3. It does not matter who you are, creed, nationality, man or woman... He can tap into you and enhance/bring out your attributes.
    I'm intuitively a feeler, a mere spiritual being subject to any human mistake. Nate feels me... in fact finishes my sentences... When you connect like that... and open YOURSELF up to suggestions, you allow yourself room to grow and realize you don't have all the answers. Whats a life for if not, realizing your dreams and treat all others the way you would like to be treated? This class contributes to the activation of your moral compass that your maker installed inside of you to find your talent and purse your craft.
    Nuff' said.
    Marco Alfredo Páez

  4. Arent you a producer too? Where can I make a pitch to you?
